Refresh YOUR Life Now 6 Week Group Program:
Week 1 "In Just 15 Minutes Increase Your Life Force Energy Each Morning"
Discussion, Juicing and Smoothie Demo
Week 2 "The Refreshed Kitchen, Essential Equipment and Kitchen Organization"
Week 3 "Welcome to the World of Mouth Watering Raw Live and Gently Cooked Foods, Menu Planning, Recipes, plus Shopping Made Easy"
Week 4 "I'm Toxic, Who Knew! Toxins What Are They and Where They Are Lurking"
Week 5 "Feeling Sluggish? To Detox or Not To Detox, Keep Your Liver Happy!"
Week 6 "How To Achieve Longevity with Clean Whole Foods "Superfoods", Meaningful Rituals and Healthy SkinCare. It is Possible."
"Are You Constantly Fatigued, Have Brain Fog, And Dread Each Day? 3 Easy Steps to Perk Up Your Life"
"Lose Weight Deliciously Without Even Trying and Feel Totally Satisfied"
" Scared by Dreaded Diagnoses, Be Informed, Learn Other Options To Regain Your Health and TAKE Your Life Back."
Full Day Platinum VIP Programs
Half Day Platinum VIP Programs
I help ill Career Moms overcome degenerative diseases,
specifically Diabetes and Cancer.
I work with them to reduce their overwhelm, disease management and
fatigue, optimally to live a healthy happy life.
This is achieved through self love, spirituality and
lifestyle enhancements.
Follow me on Twitter using@bgsuperfoods
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Follow me on Twitter using@bgsuperfoods
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Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach
Member, International Association for Health Coaches
Member, American Association of Drugless Practitioners
Refresh Your Life Now
Bethel, CT 06801, 203 216 6889
Connect and post with me on Facebook,
Connect, follow and tweet with me on Twitter, @bgsuperfoods
Connect, follow and tweet with me on Twitter, @bgsuperfoods
Barbara Greenhouse shares her passions of Food, "Cooking", Cruelty-Free, and the Sharing of Key Information for a healthy and informed
world. She guides her clients through their journey to live their dreams, easily and holistically, with compassion and with delicious live raw and gently cooked foods. Barbara is currently authoring her first book, "Sacred You, The Delicious Journey"® © copyright refresh your life now, - 2015 Connecticut, USA