Hi beautiful mom. It is certainly a pleasure to introduce you to Refresh Your Life Now. I am looking forward to walking with you along your journey, teaching and guiding you to a wonderful, vibrant, and refreshingly healthy lifestyle. After reading this page please share what is your number one problem or pain in the comments below.
Refresh Your Life Now was conceived to bring many related heart's desires, transformations, together in such a way that they work synergistically with one another to achieve a life filled with passion, compassion, vibrancy, an inward glow, an outward glow and pure and authentic holistic living. To feel good, no, GREAT, on all levels. The recipe calls for some work, some accountability and as it starts to sing to you, will be quite simple to include into your daily life. Ahhh, a new holistic lifestyle where everything in and around you is happily connected.
Like many of you, I have had experiences in my life that have rubbed me the wrong way where my body physically felt the negative energy along with my displeased thoughts. People I had looked up to were just not empathetic but were holier than thou; doctors, a parent, a swim coach, and a college department chair. You see they all could have said yes to my dreams. Instead they said no and took away my dreams. This manifested into illness and physical and emotional pain. Through spirituality, digging deep to discover my essence, my core beliefs, to embrace self love, and healthy nutrition, I turned my life around.
Over the years as new view points and information emerged, alternative, holistic health for health care, nutrition, overall well-being, and connecting what has been kept secret and separate for decades became more embraced. They all became more well known and pushed up and out through the cracks just like seedlings in springtime. How refreshing!
My compassion for animals and Ahimsa, refraining from causing pain to any living creature, aka non-violence, cruelty-free, led me to vegetarianism, then to vegan and now to mostly raw in summer/vegan.
The evolution and transformation of sharing key information is a great model for changing and refreshing your lives. This is one dream of mine that lives so your dreams of health, high energy, looking and feeling great and in harmony with your deepest yearnings and dreams, lives for you.
Refresh Your Life Now will guide you to see that YES this is what you desire and deserve for yourself to refresh your life, to live your schedule, your passions, your core beliefs, no one elses, and to live your new lifestyle without regret and in joy.
It brings me great joy to be able to share my knowledge and expertise to help you obtain your heart's desires, heal what needs healing, aka lower your blood sugar number below 90 as a start or to keep your immune system vibrant while transitioning away from cancer regaining your energy and health back to Refresh Your Life Now.
While my main focus is supporting and guiding Career Moms with Diabetes and Cancer, I am available to guide and support YOU as your coach. Let's have a Free 50 minute Health Strategy conversation and discover the one, two, however many areas in your life that you want to transform to refresh your life now. Click the newsletter link at the top of the page to schedule 1-3 date and time choices in the comments section on the form. You will also receive my monthly newsletter and offers interestesting and beneficial information. You may unsubscribe at any time.
Follow me on Twitter using @bgsuperfoods and Like my facebook page by clicking Facebook.com/RefreshYourLifeNow
In health and joy,
I help ill Career Moms overcome degenerative diseases,
specifically Diabetes and Cancer.
I work with you to reduce your overwhelm, disease management and
fatigue, optimally to live a healthy happy life.
This is achieved through self love, spirituality and
lifestyle enhancements.
Follow me on Twitter using@bgsuperfoods
Like me on Facebook.com/RefreshYourLifeNow
Follow me on Twitter using@bgsuperfoods
Like me on Facebook.com/RefreshYourLifeNow
Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach
Member, International Association for Health Coaches
Member, American Association of Drugless Practitioners
Refresh Your Life Now
Bethel, CT 06801, 203 216 6889
Connect and post with me on Facebook, facebook.com/refreshyourlifenow
Connect, follow and tweet with me on Twitter, @bgsuperfoods
Connect, follow and tweet with me on Twitter, @bgsuperfoods
Barbara Greenhouse shares her passions of Food, "Cooking", Cruelty-Free, and the Sharing of Key Information for a healthy and informed
world. She guides her clients through their journey to live their dreams, easily and holistically, with compassion and with delicious live raw and gently cooked foods. Barbara is currently authoring her first book, "Sacred You, The Delicious Journey"® © copyright refresh your life now, - 2015 Connecticut, USA
Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach
Member, International Association for Health Coaches
Member, American Association of Drugless Practitioners
Refresh Your Life Now
Bethel, CT 06801, 203 216 6889
Connect and post with me on Facebook, facebook.com/refreshyourlifenow
Connect, follow and share with me on Twitter, @bgsuperfoods
Connect, follow and share with me on Twitter, @bgsuperfoods
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