Sunday, July 20, 2014

Summer's Bounty to Prevent and Cure Cancer and Diabetes

What a delicious summer this has been.  Organic fruits and vegetables are always welcome and tasty especially after the harsh winter we had this year in the Northeast.

I don't know why, but the organic fresh fruits and vegetables have more flavor this summer than I can ever remember.  What a treat.

Here are 6 ways to enjoy them.

1.  Step up your regular organic tossed salad with any or all of the below.  Switch them around for variety:

Fresh greens and lettuces from the farmers market, food stands and your own garden.

Add heirloom tomatoes, celery, fresh sprouts, scallions, and avocados

Add blueberries, peaches, raspberries, black berries, kiwi, pineapple  in any combination with the greens.

2.  Lightly brush and grill red, orange and purple peppers, asparagus, zucchini and yellow squash or your favorite vegetables with a favorite high heat flavored oil (hemp seed, grapeseed or coconut). And, Lightly brush and grill sliced sweet potatoes, golden beets, peaches and or pineapple (pineapple not likely found at the food stand or market).

3. Use lettuce, collard and chard for burritos. Fill with your favorite vegetables, nuts and seeds mixture or vegetable seeds and meat or fish mixture with seasoning.

4.  My favorite pick me up, and for hydration, is my morning green juice first thing in the morning usually from the base of cucumbers, celery, greens and fruits.  I use the left over pulp to make vegetable quinoa burgers.

5.  A greens and fruit smoothie an hour or so after the green juice is a great way to keep you satiated until lunch, and as an afternoon snack due to all of the fiber.  These are especially delicious with the luscious increase of flavor of the fresh summer fruits and vegetables.

6.  Delectable desserts made with the fresh fruits and herbs.  The imagination is endless here. Tarts, pies, bars, parfaits fruit salad,  ice cream, ices and more.

The markets and farm stands are so welcoming with all of their fresh bounty.  What a delight when your plate and table become the same.

The more rainbows of colors you eat ,that are more readily available during summer give your body a boost, a boost of energy, and a boost of immune support.  Some help to lower blood sugar levels and most are filled with antioxidants to keep oxidative damage and cancer at bay, plus so much more.  I've always been fascinated and loved rainbows.  This is another type of rainbow that fascinates me,  and possibly you too.

The more Organic fresh vegetables and fruits you eat during the summer sets you up for improved health as you obtain all of the vital nutrients your body requires, the vitamins and minerals not found in high quantities in the non-organic varieties while also giving more support to your local organic farmers.
Check the Environmental Working Groups Dirty and Clean list of non-organic fruits and vegetables to help you choose some from the list of clean if your budget requires cutting back on your food costs.

Some of my favorite organic summer fruits and vegetables are
heirloom tomatoes, fresh herbs, kale, rainbow chard, cucumbers, corn, fresh peas, spinach (though spinach is now finished until August) blueberries raspberries, strawberries, dark cherries and peaches and some hydrating watermelon.

I would love to hear about all of your favorites and any short recipe ideas that you have too.  I'm looking forward to reading your shares in the comments below

In health and joy,

Barbara S. Greenhouse
I help ill career moms overcome degenerative diseases
specifically diabetes and cancer

Certified Health Coach
Member, International Association for Health Coaches
Member, American Association of Drugless Practitioners

Refresh Your Life Now
Bethel, CT 06801,
 203 216 6889

Barbara Greenhouse shares her passions of Food, "Cooking", Cruelty-Free, Ahimsa, the Nutrition and Health Connection, and the Sharing of supressed Information for a healthy and informed world.  She guides her clients through their journey to live their deepest dreams, simply and holistically, with compassion and by incorporating some delicious live raw whole foods, fruits and vegetables.  She is currently authoring her first book, "Sacred You, The Delicious Journey"®  -  © copyright Refresh Your Life Now - 2013 Connecticut, USA

Why Manage Life? Live It! ®  Refresh to the Good Life! ®

This post may be reprinted on your blog, website or in your e-zine with my blessing as long as you include the following in tact:  

Barbara Greenhouse shares her passions of  Food, "Cooking", Cruelty-Free, Ahimsa, the Nutrition Health Connection and the Sharing of supressed Information for a healthy and informed world.  She teaches, guides and supports her clients along their journey to achieve their goals one step at a time, to live their dreams simply, holistically and with compassion.  

By recommending some delicious live raw whole foods vegetables and fruit, their progress to a healthier and happier life begins with reduced stress, less pain, weight loss, optimal health.  She is currently authoring her first book, "Sacred You, The Delicious Journey"®    © copyright refreshyourlifenow, - 2014 Connecticut, USA

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