Tuesday, December 23, 2014

To A Refreshing Christmas and New Years

One way to stay refreshed is to not rush about. Know that all that you wish to accomplish you will and at the right time.  Sit back and be your own muse. Play with it. Be creative. Create beauty, love, self love, joy, peace, happiness, compassion and flow with your life, your choice as to what for these last two weeks of 2014 and beyond.  Why?  Because when you do not flow through life you are out of balance, stressed and unhappy emotionally and physically. You'll be run down, tired and maybe feel sick.

My wish for you is to be your muse and to intentionally create your beautiful, peaceful, harmonious life's flow today, for the holidays and always.  Is it for you?  If you would like to share your thoughts please share in the comments below.

Within my blog is my published article titled "Sugar Coated Holiday Blues".  It may be of interest to you to read it to help you through the season of bring on all that sugar found in the numerous delectable desserts and drinks. They will definitely negatively affect a beautiful and flowing holiday season if overindulged in.

And should a bit of that stress sneak in, remember to breathe.

In health and joy,

Barbara S. Greenhouse
I help ill career moms overcome degenerative diseases, specifically diabetes and cancer.

Certified Health Coach
Member, International Association for Health Coaches
Member, American Association of Drugless Practitioners

Refresh Your Life Now
Bethel, CT 06801,
 203 216 6889

Barbara Greenhouse shares her passions of Food, "Cooking", Cruelty-Free, Ahimsa, the Nutrition and Health Connection for optimal health, and the Sharing of suppressed Information for a healthy and informed world.  She guides her clients through their journey to live their deepest dreams, simply and holistically, with compassion and by incorporating some delicious live raw whole foods; fruits and vegetables.  She is currently authoring her first book, "Sacred You, The Delicious Journey"®  -  © copyright Refresh Your Life Now - 2015 Connecticut, USA

Why Manage Life? Live It! ®  Refresh to the Good Life! ®

This post may be reprinted on your blog, website or in your e-zine with my blessing as long as you include the following in tact:  

Barbara Greenhouse shares her passions of  Food, "Cooking", Cruelty-Free, Ahimsa, the Nutrition Health Connection and the Sharing of suppressed Information for a healthy and informed world.  She teaches, guides and supports her clients along their journey to achieve their goals one step at a time, to live their dreams simply, holistically and with compassion.  

By recommending some delicious live raw whole foods vegetables and fruit, your progress to a healthier and happier life begins with reduced stress, less pain, more energy, weight loss, and optimal health.  She is currently authoring her first book, "Sacred You, The Delicious Journey"®    © copyright Refresh Your Life Now, - 2015 Connecticut, USA

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Grateful Food for Thought

This year I decided to write about gratefulness for our upcoming Thanksgiving holiday here in America. Gratefulness and saying daily gratitudes go deep into your core, your essence. This spiritual practice brings serenity to your soul which in turn improves your overall wellbeing. You are healthier, have more peace of mind, less stressed, feel connected and see the cup quite full instead of empty. You're happier.

My wish is to share my gratitudes with you to inspire you in your quest for inner peace and to open up your soul, to feel, to Love. 

I am grateful for my awe and wonder of the mystery of Creation, God, the the Heavens, Life and the possibilities

I am grateful for the life force energy and knowing that all energy is connected. 

I am grateful for my inner and outer glow

I am grateful for being introduced to spiritual "churches" I instantly felt that I came home. 

I am grateful for the 300+ virtues

I am grateful for a number of eye opening spiritual books that I have read, by New Thought Leaders 

I am grateful for kindness

I am grateful for the wonders of the human body and how it works 

I am grateful for waking up each morning 

I am grateful for my ability to breathe, see, smell, taste, hear and feel,  physically and spiritually

I am grateful for my ability to walk, run jump, to hold, to clap

I am grateful for music it transports my being 

I am grateful for the nutrition and health connection that heals

I am grateful for water to remain hydrated and to swim to feel connected

I am grateful for special friends and family 

I am grateful for the opportunities to continually learn 

I am grateful to help others 

I am grateful for the warmth of the sunshine and cool summer breezes

I am grateful for relaxation and rejuvenation 

I am grateful for liberty and freedom of speech 

I am grateful for those willing to share suppressed information for all to make their own informed decisions. 

I am grateful for laughter and awesome comedians

I am grateful for the innovation and progress utilizing independent testing in balance with nature 

I am grateful for my businesses

I am grateful for all of the cruelty free organizations and businesses 

I am grateful for Love, Love of Self, Love of others.

As a certified health coach trained in over 100 diets, the mechanics of the body, optimal whole foods nutrition which is basically unprocessed foods - fresh vegetables, fruits, meat and seafood ,relationships and connections - (how many types can you think of?),  I am here to help you with any questions you may have, how to integrate a balanced life, integrate a balanced healthy body, for more information and highly nutritious and healthy recipe assistance and just to listen if you need to vent.  Let's talk!

Required FDA Blurb: Please note always check with your doctor, Naturopath or healthcare provider prior to starting  a new program especially if you're on medications.  Each person is an individual with a different body chemistry, reactions or healings and therefore another's results are not guaranteed to be your results.

In health and joy,

Barbara S. Greenhouse
I help ill career moms overcome degenerative diseases, specifically diabetes and cancer.

Certified Health Coach
Member, International Association for Health Coaches
Member, American Association of Drugless Practitioners

Refresh Your Life Now
Bethel, CT 06801,
 203 216 6889

Barbara Greenhouse shares her passions of Food, "Cooking", Cruelty-Free, Ahimsa, the Nutrition and Health Connection for optimal health, and the Sharing of suppressed Information for a healthy and informed world.  She guides her clients through their journey to live their deepest dreams, simply and holistically, with compassion and by incorporating some delicious live raw whole foods; fruits and vegetables.  She is currently authoring her first book, "Sacred You, The Delicious Journey"®  -  © copyright Refresh Your Life Now - 2014 Connecticut, USA

Why Manage Life? Live It! ®  Refresh to the Good Life! ®

This post may be reprinted on your blog, website or in your e-zine with my blessing as long as you include the following in tact:  

Barbara Greenhouse shares her passions of  Food, "Cooking", Cruelty-Free, Ahimsa, the Nutrition Health Connection and the Sharing of suppressed Information for a healthy and informed world.  She teaches, guides and supports her clients along their journey to achieve their goals one step at a time, to live their dreams simply, holistically and with compassion.  

By recommending some delicious live raw whole foods vegetables and fruit, your progress to a healthier and happier life begins with reduced stress, less pain, weight loss, optimal health.  She is currently authoring her first book, "Sacred You, The Delicious Journey"®    © copyright Refresh Your Life Now, - 2014 Connecticut, USA

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

To Mamogram or Not To Mamogram for Breast Health

Most women are not aware that a mammogram is not the only screening tool for breast health.   A more important question than what else is there? is, have they been proven to be effective and to be better screening methods?  A quick look into the mammogram shows that there are a number of results that are false positives sending women reeling in fear, tears, so much emotion, asking why me, additional testing and so on which is also very stressful on the body.

If you have cancerous cells or tumors, pushing the breast into as flat a pancake that it can be, can and has dislodged and spread cancer cells which is surely counterproductive to the screening and the results. Plus these cells may be so small they go undetected.

Breast Thermography

The use of Digital Infrared Imaging is based on the principle that metabolic activity and vascular circulation in both pre-cancerous and cancerous tissue and the area surrounding a developing breast cancer is almost always higher than in normal breast
tissue.  Click the above link to read more and for text source. This is one method for early detection.

Breast MRI Screening

What is deemed by many to be the best method for breast cancer screening for early screening or re-screening detection. A drawback to this method is the cost. You're worth it, right!

MRI's are good at finding, pinpointing, they can show if a tumor is cancerous or benign.  They can show soft tissue areas not viewable in mammograms and can also be used to look for signs that cancer may have metastasized from where it started to another part of the body. A once and done approach to breast cancer screening you might say.

MRI images can also help your doctor plan treatment.

Special MRI machines, now available in some hospitals, are designed just for looking inside the breast.  This is called an MRI with dedicated breast coils.

Researching further on your part will enlighten you more allowing you to make an informed decision in your breast health care and have a true sense of peace of mind.

My usual top tips for optimal health are to:

1 breathe deeply to keep your stress low
2 drink half your weight in water, build up to it
3 make simple green juice start at 8 oz build to 96
4 eliminate all white foods, they convert to sugar;
cancer thrives on sugar.

If you have breast or any form of cancer, green juices cleanse and detox your liver and body, (you may pee alot), they feed your cells with the vital nutrition they need within 15 minutes, especially for your mitocondria, your power generators, that create your energy through metabolism. Thank them for your energy boosts. This is why clean nutrient dense juices are vital allowing the nutrients to move across the cell wall.

Do you have delicious healthy juice recipes you'd like to share? Please add them in the comments below.  New juicers will be grateful to receive some easy, tasty juices to start juicing.

As a certified health coach trained in over 100 diets, the mechanics of the body, optimal whole foods nutrition which is basically unprocessed foods - fresh vegetables, fruits, meat and seafood ,relationships and connections - how many types can you think of?  I am here to help you with any questions you may have, how to integrate a balanced life, integrate a balanced healthy body, for more information and highly nutritious and healthy recipe assistance and just to listen if you need to vent. Let's talk!

Required FDA Blurb: Please note always check with your doctor, Naturopath or healthcare provider prior to starting  a new program especially if you're on medications.  Each person is an individual with a different body chemistry, reactions or healings  and therefore another's results are not guaranteed to be your results.

In health and joy,

Barbara S. Greenhouse
I help ill career moms overcome degenerative diseases, specifically diabetes and cancer.

Certified Health Coach
Member, International Association for Health Coaches
Member, American Association of Drugless Practitioners

Refresh Your Life Now
Bethel, CT 06801,
 203 216 6889

Barbara Greenhouse shares her passions of Food, "Cooking", Cruelty-Free, Ahimsa, the Nutrition and Health Connection for optimal health, and the Sharing of Key Suppressed Information for a healthy and informed world.  She guides her clients through their journey to live their deepest dreams, simply and holistically, with compassion and by incorporating some delicious live raw whole foods; fruits and vegetables.  She is currently authoring her first book, "Sacred You, The Delicious Journey"®  -  © copyright Refresh Your Life Now - 2015 Connecticut, USA

Why Manage Life? Live It! ®  Refresh to the Good Life! ®

This post may be reprinted on your blog, website or in your e-zine with my blessing as long as you include the following in tact:  

Barbara Greenhouse shares her passions of  Food, "Cooking", Cruelty-Free, Ahimsa, the Nutrition Health Connection and the Sharing of Key Suppressed Information for a healthy and informed world.  She teaches, guides and supports her clients along their journey to achieve their goals one step at a time, to live their dreams simply, holistically and with compassion.  

By recommending some delicious live raw whole foods vegetables and fruit, your progress to a healthier and happier life begins with reduced stress, less pain, weight loss, optimal health.  She is currently authoring her first book, "Sacred You, The Delicious Journey"®    © copyright refreshyourlifenow, - 2015 Connecticut, USA

Saturday, October 4, 2014

5 Warming Spices for Fall and Winter

This week saw the fall foliage come out in all of it's glory.  The colors painted a vibrant landscape for all to see in New England, Connecticut specifically for me.

When I think of and see these beautiful colors I am reminded of the warming spices of Fall I love to provide the warm inner glow.

Today's post provides 5 spices that will warm your body and your soul with flavor and warmth. Another big plus is they help to keep your blood moving.

1.  Cinnamon derived from tree bark is wonderful on it's own or in a spice blend for tea, in smoothies and in fall desserts.  It is medicinal in that it assists with blood sugar levels.  Ceylon cinnamon is a higher grade of cinnamon and can be found online.  photo credit: bestsuperfoods.wordpress.com

2.  Cardamon is either the whole seeds or the ground pods that contain the seeds from plants found in south east Asia in the ginger family. It has a strong flavor and aroma of mint and lemon.

3.  Ginger is a tuberous pungent root that is quite warming used in tea, juicing, smoothies, grated into desserts, salads and more.  Medicinally, ginger, along with our next spice, helps to rid your microbiome, the billions of beneficial bacteria's home in your stomach, of parasites.

4. Garlic enhances the flavor and is quite warming to your body as well in a large variety of recipes from Italian to Asai cooking, seafood dishes and this may surprise you in hot tea with ginger, honey and lemon.

5.  Nutmeg by itself or with cinnamon is our last warming spice on the list.  Nutmeg is ground from  the hard seed of the Nutmeg tree.  It's use is well known in fall pies, cider, egg nog, cookies and more recipes and to spike the flavor of dark leafy greens, tea and smoothies.

What is your favorite spice to feel cozy and warm during the cooler fall and colder winter months? Let us know which one and how you use it in the comments section found at the end of this post.  photo credit: www.peacefuldumpling.com

Diabetes is a lifestyle dis-ease for all types. Genetics can play a part yet it has been proven genetics can be reversed/overcome with regards to disease.

Only a diabetic knows what it's like to have to check your sugar readings continually day in and day out, make sure you eat correctly to not pass out, deal with pain, all of the doctors appointments, paraphernalia purchases and usage, especially needles, unless you have the pump, and the need to inject insulin which is set up for you to continually need to do the routine until you die.  Nutrition in many ways as it was prior to the 1970's is paramount for optimal health, energy and to stave off gout, coronary heart disease, amputation of limbs, hospitalizations and death for the  millions caught up in the vicious diabetic cycle. There is a cure stop chasing it. It's the cause and it is known, lack of proper nutrition, inactivity, and highly toxic living, working and play environments which includes lack of pristine air to breath and water to drink and clean food to eat.

As a certified health coach trained in over 100 diets, the mechanics of the body, optimal whole foods nutrition which is basically unprocessed foods - fresh vegetables, fruits, meat and seafood and relationships and connections - how many types can you think of?  I am here to help you with any questions you may have, how to integrate a balanced life, integrate a balanced healthy body,  for more information and highly nutritious and healthy recipe assistance and just to listen if you need to vent.  Let's talk!

Required FDA Blurb: Please note always check with your doctor, Naturopath or healthcare provider prior to starting  a new program especially if you're on medications.  Each person is an individual with a different body chemistry, reactions or healings and therefore another's results are not guaranteed to be your results.

In health and joy,

Barbara S. Greenhouse
I help ill career moms overcome degenerative diseases specifically diabetes and cancer

Certified Health Coach
Member, International Association for Health Coaches
Member, American Association of Drugless Practitioners

Refresh Your Life Now
Bethel, CT 06801,
 203 216 6889

Barbara Greenhouse shares her passions of Food, "Cooking", Cruelty-Free, Ahimsa, the Nutrition and Health Connection for optimal health, and the Sharing of suppressed Information for a healthy and informed world.  She guides her clients through their journey to live their deepest dreams, simply and holistically, with compassion and by incorporating some delicious live raw whole foods; fruits and vegetables.  She is currently authoring her first book, "Sacred You, The Delicious Journey"®  -  © copyright Refresh Your Life Now - 2014 Connecticut, USA

Why Manage Life? Live It! ®  Refresh to the Good Life! ®

This post may be reprinted on your blog, website or in your e-zine with my blessing as long as you include the following in tact:  

Barbara Greenhouse shares her passions of  Food, "Cooking", Cruelty-Free, Ahimsa, the Nutrition Health Connection and the Sharing of suppressed Information for a healthy and informed world.  She teaches, guides and supports her clients along their journey to achieve their goals one step at a time, to live their dreams simply, holistically and with compassion.  

By recommending some delicious live raw whole foods vegetables and fruit, your progress to a healthier and happier life begins with reduced stress, less pain, weight loss, optimal health.  She is currently authoring her first book, "Sacred You, The Delicious Journey"®    © copyright refreshyourlifenow, - 2014 Connecticut, USA

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

5 Keys to Normalize Your Blood Sugar

As the summer winds down and the daylight grows shorter here in New England, I sigh.  I am such a summer person loving the extra outdoor activities, long hot days and feeling the heat and energy of the sun.

September is a beautiful month with bright sunshine and cooler temperatures the leaves begin to paint a rainbow of colors across the landscape.  This is a perfect time to transition to a healthy you and lower your blood sugar and rid yourself of all the disease management paraphernalia to manage any type of diabetes.

Key 1. is to Breathe deeply, into the heart center for the count of 5, hold for a count of 8 - 10 and out for 4.  This helps you to unwind and relax, a stress buster which is key of optimal health.  It also massages your lungs.

Key 2. is to Eliminate all white sugar, high fructose corn syrup and "foods" that convert quickly to sugar: alcohol, white pasta, white bread, whole grain bread, white potatoes and artificial sweeteners.

Key 3. is to not Count calories as it's a numbers game, not about nutrition absorption for optimal health.  Eat organic fruits and vegetables in a rainbow of colors, especially dark green leafy vegetables steamed, sauteed, blended in smoothies, juices and in salads.
Key 4. is to juice and  drink smoothies. Drink 8 oz. of water with fresh lemon juice 15 minutes prior to making/having your green juice. Then make smoothies for breakfast and snacks. Juicing has all of the nutrients that can cross over the cell wall barrier into the cells which allows the nutrients to give the cell elements what they require to do their jobs which in turn will increase your energy and lower your blood sugar.  From the time you drink your juice to the time it's nutrients make it over the cell walls is 15 minutes.  You can actually feel it happening. Smoothies have the fiber which will satisfy your hunger between meals, plus as a diabetic lower the sugar spike a too sweet juice will bring on.

Key 5. Self Love.  Only you can make the decision and the statement to your self that you love yourself enough to get away from the highly over processed foods that have hidden sugars, bad fats, chemicals, allergens and toxins. You love yourself enough to tune out the advertising, main stream misinformation and people telling you it won't work, you're crazy and more. You give your body and mind what they require, hightest not regular, to be able to function efficiently which will reduce/eliminate inflammation, keep your ph at the correct level and prevent or cure your diabetes.

Diabetes is a lifestyle dis-ease for all types. Genetics can play a part yet it has been proven genetics can be reversed/overcome with regards to disease.

Only a diabetic knows what it's like to have to check your sugar readings continually day in and day out, make sure you eat correctly to not pass out, deal with pain, all of the doctors appointments, paraphernalia purchases and usage, especially needles, unless you have the pump, and the need to inject insulin which is set up for you to continually need to do the routine until you die.  Nutrition in many ways as it was prior to the 1970's is paramount for optimal health, energy and to stave off gout, coronary heart disease, amputation of limbs, hospitalizations and death for the  millions caught up in the vicious diabetic cycle. There is a cure stop chasing it. It's the cause and it is known, lack of proper nutrition, inactivity, and highly toxic living, working and play environments which includes lack of pristine air to breath and water to drink and clean food to eat.

As a certified health coach trained in over 100 diets, the mechanics of the body, optimal whole foods nutrition which is basically unprocessed foods - fresh vegetables, fruits, meat and seafood and relationships and connections - how many types can you think of?  I am here to help you with any questions you may have, how to integrate a balanced life, integrate a balanced healthy body,  for recipe assist that are highly nutritious and healthy, and just to listen if you need to vent.

Your questions and comments are welcome as is lively discussion in the comments section below.

Required FDA Blurb: Please note always check with your doctor, Naturopath or healtcare provider prior to starting  a new program especially if on medications.  Each person is an individual with a different body chemistry, reactions or healings and therefore another's results are not guaranteed to be your results. 

In health and joy,

Barbara S. Greenhouse
I help ill career moms overcome degenerative diseases specifically diabetes and cancer

Certified Health Coach
Member, International Association for Health Coaches
Member, American Association of Drugless Practitioners

Refresh Your Life Now
Bethel, CT 06801,
 203 216 6889

Barbara Greenhouse shares her passions of Food, "Cooking", Cruelty-Free, Ahimsa, the Nutrition and Health Connection for optimal health, and the Sharing of suppressed Information for a healthy and informed world.  She guides her clients through their journey to live their deepest dreams, simply and holistically, with compassion and by incorporating some delicious live raw whole foods; fruits and vegetables.  She is currently authoring her first book, "Sacred You, The Delicious Journey"®  -  © copyright Refresh Your Life Now - 2014 Connecticut, USA

Why Manage Life? Live It! ®  Refresh to the Good Life! ®

This post may be reprinted on your blog, website or in your e-zine with my blessing as long as you include the following in tact:  

Barbara Greenhouse shares her passions of  Food, "Cooking", Cruelty-Free, Ahimsa, the Nutrition Health Connection and the Sharing of suppressed Key Information for a healthy and informed world.  She teaches, guides and supports her clients along their journey to achieve their goals one step at a time, to live their dreams simply, holistically and with compassion.  

By recommending some delicious live raw whole foods vegetables and fruit, your progress to a healthier and happier life begins with reduced stress, less pain, weight loss, optimal health.  She is currently authoring her first book, "Sacred You, The Delicious Journey"®    © copyright refreshyourlifenow, - 2014 Connecticut, USA

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Summer's Bounty to Prevent and Cure Cancer and Diabetes

What a delicious summer this has been.  Organic fruits and vegetables are always welcome and tasty especially after the harsh winter we had this year in the Northeast.

I don't know why, but the organic fresh fruits and vegetables have more flavor this summer than I can ever remember.  What a treat.

Here are 6 ways to enjoy them.

1.  Step up your regular organic tossed salad with any or all of the below.  Switch them around for variety:

Fresh greens and lettuces from the farmers market, food stands and your own garden.

Add heirloom tomatoes, celery, fresh sprouts, scallions, and avocados

Add blueberries, peaches, raspberries, black berries, kiwi, pineapple  in any combination with the greens.

2.  Lightly brush and grill red, orange and purple peppers, asparagus, zucchini and yellow squash or your favorite vegetables with a favorite high heat flavored oil (hemp seed, grapeseed or coconut). And, Lightly brush and grill sliced sweet potatoes, golden beets, peaches and or pineapple (pineapple not likely found at the food stand or market).

3. Use lettuce, collard and chard for burritos. Fill with your favorite vegetables, nuts and seeds mixture or vegetable seeds and meat or fish mixture with seasoning.

4.  My favorite pick me up, and for hydration, is my morning green juice first thing in the morning usually from the base of cucumbers, celery, greens and fruits.  I use the left over pulp to make vegetable quinoa burgers.

5.  A greens and fruit smoothie an hour or so after the green juice is a great way to keep you satiated until lunch, and as an afternoon snack due to all of the fiber.  These are especially delicious with the luscious increase of flavor of the fresh summer fruits and vegetables.

6.  Delectable desserts made with the fresh fruits and herbs.  The imagination is endless here. Tarts, pies, bars, parfaits fruit salad,  ice cream, ices and more.

The markets and farm stands are so welcoming with all of their fresh bounty.  What a delight when your plate and table become the same.

The more rainbows of colors you eat ,that are more readily available during summer give your body a boost, a boost of energy, and a boost of immune support.  Some help to lower blood sugar levels and most are filled with antioxidants to keep oxidative damage and cancer at bay, plus so much more.  I've always been fascinated and loved rainbows.  This is another type of rainbow that fascinates me,  and possibly you too.

The more Organic fresh vegetables and fruits you eat during the summer sets you up for improved health as you obtain all of the vital nutrients your body requires, the vitamins and minerals not found in high quantities in the non-organic varieties while also giving more support to your local organic farmers.
Check the Environmental Working Groups Dirty and Clean list of non-organic fruits and vegetables to help you choose some from the list of clean if your budget requires cutting back on your food costs.

Some of my favorite organic summer fruits and vegetables are
heirloom tomatoes, fresh herbs, kale, rainbow chard, cucumbers, corn, fresh peas, spinach (though spinach is now finished until August) blueberries raspberries, strawberries, dark cherries and peaches and some hydrating watermelon.

I would love to hear about all of your favorites and any short recipe ideas that you have too.  I'm looking forward to reading your shares in the comments below

In health and joy,

Barbara S. Greenhouse
I help ill career moms overcome degenerative diseases
specifically diabetes and cancer

Certified Health Coach
Member, International Association for Health Coaches
Member, American Association of Drugless Practitioners

Refresh Your Life Now
Bethel, CT 06801,
 203 216 6889

Barbara Greenhouse shares her passions of Food, "Cooking", Cruelty-Free, Ahimsa, the Nutrition and Health Connection, and the Sharing of supressed Information for a healthy and informed world.  She guides her clients through their journey to live their deepest dreams, simply and holistically, with compassion and by incorporating some delicious live raw whole foods, fruits and vegetables.  She is currently authoring her first book, "Sacred You, The Delicious Journey"®  -  © copyright Refresh Your Life Now - 2013 Connecticut, USA

Why Manage Life? Live It! ®  Refresh to the Good Life! ®

This post may be reprinted on your blog, website or in your e-zine with my blessing as long as you include the following in tact:  

Barbara Greenhouse shares her passions of  Food, "Cooking", Cruelty-Free, Ahimsa, the Nutrition Health Connection and the Sharing of supressed Information for a healthy and informed world.  She teaches, guides and supports her clients along their journey to achieve their goals one step at a time, to live their dreams simply, holistically and with compassion.  

By recommending some delicious live raw whole foods vegetables and fruit, their progress to a healthier and happier life begins with reduced stress, less pain, weight loss, optimal health.  She is currently authoring her first book, "Sacred You, The Delicious Journey"®    © copyright refreshyourlifenow, - 2014 Connecticut, USA

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Cancer Treatments The Pull for Conventional Only is So Strong

Another beautiful mom, inside and out, succumbed to the strong pull of two powerful entities. She died of cancer.

The two strong pulls are:

1.  Big Pharma
2. The FDA

Let me back track a couple of years. We heard that this beautiful mom was all of the sudden diagnosed with mid stage cancer.  Knowing that most women and couples are not aware of holistic/alternative healing protocols I gave her some information so she at least knew that they exist and that there are places that do Integrative medicine or purely alternative (actually what's been around for centuries and is mostly successful).  I felt she had a right to suppressed information to make an informed decision. Yet any decision she would make would be hers.  She handed the info back the next time I saw her some months down the road.  She was not interested not even to just talk about it.

She passed away last week another beautiful woman, wife and mother, and an awesome school guidance counselor,  gone.

Now what is the pull I am speaking about? Big Pharma pushing chemo, a drug that destroys the immune system, the very system you need to fight off the cancer.  It is toxic to every cell in your body, not just the cancer cells.  It's like the old blood letting; drain all the blood to rid the disease, which was deadly.  Blood is the life "blood" of the body.  We progressed much in the mainstream.

Conventional medical, the cut, surgery to remove the cancer.  Yes it has been effective but not long term without chemo and radiation. The lymphs, the needed combatant of toxins and disease are removed. Surgical incisions destroy the body's second immune system within your skin to battle all that bombards it daily.  After surgery large amounts of antibiotics, which are becoming  resistant to bacteria, are necessary in conventional medicine and are not what the body prefers at all.

The burn, radiation, totally destroys and weakens the area it is focused on. We are bombarded by radiation daily with microwave technology, radiation, for satellites, cell phones, ovens, medical radiation and much more. Your body does not like this.  Sadly, I witnessed a young woman, 16 at best, walk perfectly fine into her first radiation treatment appointment at Yale.  She could barely walk out, hunched over after treatment and was in so much pain.  I wanted to hug her and help her.

You see the pull to what is known and what is conveniently all that most people are allowed to hear about, is killing more people every day, while prevention and cures exist that when they are used, when the doctor says put your affairs in order I can't help you any more speech is given, have been quite successful for up to 20 years or more.  They know full well they are letting the kill system progress by doing this. Most doctors even oncologists have stated they would never go through these conventional methods.  They seek the methods that work, that have had research and studies in the States and Europe and they are suppressed in the States to keep the money rolling into Big Phama, and the medical system and back out to university research for cures and to doctors.  For over 40 years so much money, billions, has been raised to cure cancer. So where is the cure? It is archived and suppressed, called quackery by doctors who are indoctrinated with the conventional way of treatment by the two strong pull machines.  This is slowly changing as many prominent MD's have a new model in Integrative Medicine and Functional Medicine. Ladies, you have a choice to at least seek out the information to make the best decision for you. Not Big Pharma's nor the Cancer societies money machine, that in over 40 years has not come up with a cure, while many others have.  Contact me if you do research and have questions.

Please view my Top 10 Report on the right side bar. Unfortunately I found no mechanism within blogger for you to be able to download it.

The second strong pull I alluded to above is the FDA.  They have no interest in the health of this nation. They spin the truth and disallow you to use/have the treatments that will actually heal you. That's government interfering with your rights as a mother and parent to do what you know is best for your child or yourself, especially when more death occurs, from the conventional protocols. When you are healed by whole food bought at local organic farms, herbs, real super foods, conscious doctors, integrative practices and more that are healthy, they make the money. Otherwise the money goes to the unconscious corporations, especially  Big Phama, and all of the chemical and pesticide companies etc.

The FDA needs to be abolished so that you and everyone else has the information you need to make informed decisions for you health.  Sugar coated language, raids on successful farms whose products heal are now a reality. The FDA makes it difficult for they and you. Their lobbyists get key Big Business leaders to sit on the boards and commissions and the FDA. Large sums of money changes hands to achieve this. The FDA sides with the money, unconscious businesses whose business plan is money over saving lives.   There are no large lists of side effects for these farm products just the good they have done. Yet, listen to Big Pharma ads on TV. A two minute ad push was followed by a 10 minute spiel of warnings portion, that I timed. Yet these are allowed to "help" you. The idea of the FDA is nice, however when you think about it, we ourselves can boycott, do our research or seek help, speak to our local politicians. And they were never meant to do us good. We can overcome what needs to be overcome without a non elected entity calling the shots and therefore screening out what you can not use for your health.  Their decisions are not what is best for you most often. This second strong pull and meekly following this appointed entity, and Big Pharma, the 2 big pulls killing beautiful moms (and dads and kids) unnecessarily, do so through power, money and persuasive speech.

Moms, I want you to live. I want you to be there for your family.  If you want to at least think outside of the conventional medical treatment box, be open to the natural information that does exist, and that if it is at least used in conjunction with the #1 pull to beat your cancer or make it less painful, less exhausting during and after your treatment, you will be much better off on the other side of treatment. On it's own, the results can be amazing.  Do understand everyone is unique. Results are unique.

Personally I have lost very, very special moms, one my soul sister and a grand mother due to cancer.

Please connect with me on:
facebook.com/refreshyourlifenow, and
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my website http://BarbaraGreenhouse.com. 
this blog refreshyourlifenow.blogspot.com

In my mind you need to see/hear all the information that exists that is helpful and to see what those women who have had cancer have done and how they are thriving and relating their stories to the world, literally.  You may agree. Stage 4 cancer has been holistically healed after the "get your affairs in order speech" was given by their doctor.  We need to get back to thinking and evaluating for ourselves what we need. Watchdogs are one sided.  One of my passions is to share when information is biased and when good studies and clinical trial data  information is suppressed.  

The most simple cure is prevention, eating for what your body requires which is whole clean unprocessed foods nutrition, an environment within your body where cancer cannot survive, self care and the deep desire for ultimate health so you will say no to what is not good for your body the majority of the time and yes to what is. Your body was created to function and to heal.  Let it. Disease, acne, arthritis, autism, alzheimers, diabetes, cancer, coronary heart disease are all lifestyle diseases and do heal.

Find the cause of your health issues and heal them. Ladies, take charge of your health and live. You weren't meant to manage disease.

A health coach is trained to guide you through, to prevent or to heal an existing condition, one step at a time.  After you connect with me on facebook, twitter and my website take the next step if you like for your 40 minute health strategy session. It's free. You may sign up on this blog on the right or on my website.  Also Share some of your thoughts in the comments section below on how you are dealing with or making progress with your cancer.  Reach out to gain some insights from others going through similar tough times.

Lastly, after I started writing this post I listened to a recorded radio show that had many interviews. One interview was with Dr. Coldwell.  I went straight to his website after his and smiled.  Much of what I've written about here, he has stated a bit better than I as he's been ostracized like many other doctors outside of the medicate, burn and cut treatment modality.  Here is his website if you would like to read about him  http://drleonardcoldwell.com/only-answer-to-cancer/ . There are many out there, like him.

In health and joy,